Saudi crude exports surge to 29-month high in September

Saudi crude exports surge to 29-month high in September

Saudi Arabia’s crude oil exports rose for a fourth straight month in September to the highest in 29 months, data from the Joint organization Data Initiative (JODI) showed on Thursday.

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Crude exports rose about 1.6 percent to 7.721 million barrels per day (bpd) in September - the highest since April 2020 - from 7.601 million bpd in August.

The world’s largest oil exporter’s crude production, however, fell to 11.041 million bpd in September from 11.051 million bpd in the previous month.

Monthly export figures are provided by Riyadh and other OPEC members to JODI, which publishes them on its website.

OPEC on Monday cut its forecast for 2022 global oil demand growth for a fifth time since April and further trimmed next year’s figure, citing mounting economic challenges including high inflation and rising interest rates.

In October, OPEC and allies - known as OPEC+ - decided to lower targeted production and Saudi Arabia said the cut of 2 million bpd was necessary to respond to rising interest rates in the West and a weaker global economy.

The group is expected to hold its next meeting in Vienna on Dec. 4.

Saudi’s domestic crude refinery