Saudi, France to work together for advancing hydrogen production

Saudi, France to work together for advancing hydrogen production

RIYADH: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of France adopted on Saturday a joint communique on joining forces to search for innovative solutions to produce hydrogen and promote renewable energy. The communique followed the meeting between Saudi Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and French Minister for Energy Transition Agnes Pannier-Runacher in Riyadh, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). “Both countries acknowledge the importance of advancing the implementation of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement in accordance with the principles, objectives and goals defined therein, including pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5?°C,” the communique reads.

They recognize that clean hydrogen is an essential fuel to reach the shared objective of promoting a sustainable economic development while mitigating the impact of climate change. Both countries agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of electricity, and exchange experiences in the field of electricity generation from renewable energy resources, grid interconnection projects, as well as encouraging the participation of private sectors in power sector projects including generation, transmission, distribution, storage and network automation technologies.

They have agreed to engage in joint efforts to enhance energy efficiency, and to enhance their cooperation in