Sustainable Tourism in focus in Saudi Arabia

Sustainable Tourism in focus in Saudi Arabia

Guided by Vision 2030, as part of its drive to diversify away from oil and gas and generate jobs for the younger and future generations, Saudi Arabia is looking to attract ever increasing numbers of visitors and tourists to the country over the next decade – over 100m visits by 2030.

Future Hospitality Investment Summit Saudi Arabia, recently took place in Riyadh focusing on sustainability, innovation, start-ups and human capital development in the Saudi market. In a Q&A with Tiana Amann, Head of ESG, Kerten Hospitality, Richard Williamson, COO, Considerate Group and Simon Wright, Founder & Chairman, TGP International, we get a glimpse of what this means to the Saudi Arabian economy, what needs to be done and how to get there.

Why is sustainable tourism a necessity for the sector and national economy?