The Hypocrisy Of A Green Agenda For Poorer Nations: The Case Of Argentina

The Hypocrisy Of A Green Agenda For Poorer Nations: The Case Of Argentina

Argentina's president Alberto Fernández made big promises at COP26 that he won't be able to fulfill. President Alberto Fernández seems to share a predilection for work trips overseas with Mauricio Macri. Far from the turbulence and noise of the hand-to-hand political combat that occurs in Buenos Aires, the Peronist leader and his team could focus on delivering lofty speeches promising to help curb global warming while holding bilaterals with important global leaders. They even managed to sneak a picture with US President Joe Biden in there. Far away from his vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and distanced from an electoral campaign that appears to have been put on mute, Alberto seems to have enjoyed his time "scoring goals" such as getting some of Argentina's points in the final G20 communiqué or holding a 90-minute working meeting with International Monetary Fund chief, Kristalina Georgieva. Argentina's international agenda had moderate pretensions. It didn't really matter whether it was the G20 summit or the COP26 UN Climate Change conference, President Fernández needed to show himself as the proactive leader of a country that has a say in world affairs, even if we don't. He needed to bring up the issue of the unfairness