TRSDC signs master research agreement with KAUST

TRSDC signs master research agreement with KAUST

JEDDAH “” The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) has signed a Master Research Agreement (MRA) with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The agreement, which is open for renewal after five years, follows extensive collaboration between the two organizations on flora and fauna assessments, marine spatial planning, and an international competition called the Brains-for-Brine Challenge. The MRA cements the legal framework for mutually beneficial research projects on topics including, sustainability of marine environments, waste management systems, sustainable food production, energy conservation, and carbon sequestration. "There is a growing realization that tourism needs to be far more sustainable and even regenerative in its approach. The Red Sea coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most pristine environments in the world and by working with KAUST, we can not only preserve, but actually enhance this unique treasure for future generations," said CEO of TRSDC John Pagano. "Achieving carbon neutrality and enhancing biodiversity in this unique and pristine location is a challenging task, but it is of great importance. By working with some of the world's greatest scientists at KAUST, it is a challenge that we can rise to", said Chief Environment Officer at TRSDC Dr. Rusty