Dubai Multi Commodities Centre delegation visits France to boost trade ties

  • Date: 17-Nov-2022
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
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Dubai Multi Commodities Centre delegation visits France to boost trade ties

Roadshow and meetings hosted in partnership with CCI France UAE, Paris Chamber of Commerce and Lyon Chamber of Commerce

A Panel Discussion at the MFTL event in France. - Supplied photo

Published: Thu 17 Nov 2022, 2:00 PM

Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) has successfully concluded its first official visit to France as part of its flagship Made For Trade Live (MFTL) and bilateral business discussions series, expanding relations with the wider business community in Paris and Lyon to support the 2020-2030 Emirati-French bilateral roadmap.

The packed MFTL event in Paris and business meetings in Lyon saw senior DMCC executives address representatives of French businesses from across a range of sectors, exploring how companies can expand their international footprint through DMCC and Dubai. The discussions highlighted the vast array of opportunities that can be unlocked with the strategic geographic location and commercial appeal of Dubai and the ease of doing business in DMCC, which is the fastest growing and most interconnected free zone in the world.

In addition to the significant growth in trade of approximately 28 per cent between the two countries over the past year, France is one of the main foreign investors in the UAE. On the back of President His Highness