G7 faces pressure on fossil fuels at Japan climate talks

  • Date: 15-Apr-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
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G7 faces pressure on fossil fuels at Japan climate talks

SAPPORO, Japan: G7 allies met Saturday for two days of “difficult” climate talks in northern Japan, facing pressure to show progress on key fossil fuel commitments in an example to other major economies including China. Campaigners have warned climate and environment ministers from the leading developed countries against backsliding on pledges to shift away from coal and natural gas at home and abroad. But a leaked third draft of a statement to be issued on Sunday at the meeting in Sapporo has relieved some experts, who had feared a more ringing endorsement of the need for overseas gas investments.

“All in, given low expectations, it now seems a better outcome than many expected,” said Ed King from the climate-oriented communications firm GSCC. The ministers want to show unity after a major UN climate report warned last month that 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming would be seen in about a decade. It called for “rapid and far-reaching” action to keep increases within relatively safe limits. However, as the energy crisis sparked by the Ukraine war squeezes G7 countries including Japan, Germany and the United States, divisions have arisen among the bloc. A French government source earlier described “difficult” discussions, but the