Newsrooms have a duty to tell the truth on climate change, AFP chief says – The National

  • Date: 06-Oct-2022
  • Source: The National
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
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Newsrooms have a duty to tell the truth on climate change, AFP chief says – The National

Climate change stories can be depressing, trigger anxiety and lead to news avoidance, but journalists have a duty to keep telling the truth, a senior media chief has said.

Sophie Huet-Trupheme, global editor-in-chief of Agence France-Presse, said it was important to show solutions to the crisis so people do not feel completely powerless.

Speaking at the Arab Media Forum in Dubai, Huet-Trupheme said the audience was huge every time a natural disaster struck, but journalists had a duty to keep readers engaged by moving stories forward and explaining why the disasters happened.