Taming the Sands: UAE’s Multifaceted Approach Combats Desertification

  • Date: 05-Apr-2024
  • Source: Arabian Post
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Taming the Sands: UAE’s Multifaceted Approach Combats Desertification

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a nation where towering skyscrapers pierce the desert sky, faces a constant challenge – desertification. Yet, the Emirates are not succumbing to the harsh realities of their arid climate. Instead, they’re employing a multi-pronged strategy, turning the tide on land degradation and fostering a more sustainable future. At the core of this strategy is the National Strategy to Combat Desertification 2030. This […]

via Taming the Sands: UAE’s Multifaceted Approach Combats Desertification

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a nation where towering skyscrapers pierce the desert sky, faces a constant challenge – desertification. Yet, the Emirates are not succumbing to the harsh realities of their arid climate. Instead, they’re employing a multi-pronged strategy, turning the tide on land degradation and fostering a more sustainable future.

At the core of this strategy is the National Strategy to Combat Desertification 2030. This roadmap outlines ambitious goals, aiming to increase land productivity by 40% and restore at least 80% of degraded lands by 2030. Water, the lifeblood of any effort to combat desertification, receives particular focus. The strategy promotes efficient water consumption and aims to increase the use of treated wastewater for irrigation by 60%.

Innovation is another weapon in the UAE’s arsenal.