UAE ministry signs pact to boost advancements in sustainability

  • Date: 19-Dec-2023
  • Source: The Gulf Time
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
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UAE ministry signs pact to boost advancements in sustainability

DUBAI / WAM The Ministry of Education has entered into agreements with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCAE) and Bayanat to advance scientific efforts in sustainability. These understandings aim to bolster sustainable scientific and research initiatives and include the introduction of a grant for collaborative research programmemes throughout 2024, coinciding with COP28. The ...


The Ministry of Education has entered into agreements with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCAE) and Bayanat to advance scientific efforts in sustainability. These understandings aim to bolster sustainable scientific and research initiatives and include the introduction of a grant for collaborative research programmemes throughout 2024, coinciding with COP28.

The three-year agreements were signed by Dr Mohammad Al Mualla, Under-Secretary for Higher Education Academic Affairs at the Ministry of Education, Mohammed Saeed Al Nuaimi, Acting Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, and Hasan Ahmed Al Hosani, Managing Director of Bayanat. The two agreements aim to acquire services related to the administration of collaborative research grants. This encompasses the entire grant management process, from conceptualisation to research proposal evaluation and selection of grant recipients.

?Under the two agreements, the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and Bayanat will jointly fund the