TAHAKOM & Huawei partner to accelerate sustainability & local content in Saudi Arabia

TAHAKOM & Huawei partner to accelerate sustainability & local content in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia– The Saudi Technology and Security Comprehensive Control Company, TAHAKOM, and Huawei signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to drive Local Content & Sustainability initiatives in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to reducing carbon emissions and achieving the Net Zero target by 2060. Under the MoU, Huawei and TAHAKOM will combine forces to foster Public Safety & Smart Mobility to pave the way for a sustainable future.

TAHAKOM visited Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen, where the two companies engaged in productive discussions regarding future strategies and visionary approaches to Public Safety & Smart Mobility. Eng. Hani AlSaigh, Vice President of Supply Chain at TAHAKOM, and Eric Yang, CEO of Huawei Saudi, signed the MoU in the presence of senior leaders from the two companies.

Discussions between the two parties centered around joint initiatives in knowledge sharing, product localization, and collaborative projects that aim to enhance local content by developing small and medium-sized enterprises and sustainability by focusing on carbon emissions reduction. The signing of the MOU formalizes these aspirations and sets the stage for a strategic alliance between Huawei and Tahakom.

The visit and MOU signing mark a milestone in the journey of Tahakom and Huawei towards creating