Sunak could still attend COP27 climate summit; Thunberg opts out – Saudi Gazette

Sunak could still attend COP27 climate summit; Thunberg opts out – Saudi Gazette

LONDON — British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak could still attend the COP27 climate summit if sufficient progress is made on preparations for the autumn Budget, Downing Street has said.

On Thursday No 10 said Sunak was not expected to attend “due to other pressing domestic commitments”. But on Monday the prime minister’s official spokesman said this position was “under review”.

Alok Sharma, the UK’s COP26 president, is among those saying the PM should go. The UK is the current holder of the COP presidency, after hosting the summit in Glasgow last year.

The annual UN climate summits are designed to help governments agree steps to limit global temperature rises.

Sharma will hand over the presidency to Egypt at the COP27 summit in Sharm El-Sheik, which takes place from Nov. 6 to 18.

The conference finishes the day after Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is due to set out the UK’s tax and spending plans in his highly anticipated autumn statement.

On Monday, Sunak’s official spokesman said: “The prime minister is focused on pressing domestic issues, most significantly preparing for the autumn statement, so any attendance at COP would depend on progress on preparation for that fiscal event, and that work is ongoing.”

“The prime minister fully recognizes the importance