Al-Kadhimi: Mideast has suffered from consequences of various crises; we must act collectively

Al-Kadhimi: Mideast has suffered from consequences of various crises; we must act collectively

JEDDAH — Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi reiterated that the Middle East has been significantly affected by the consequences of climate change, the water crisis, and the dangers of desertification. This is in addition to health challenges following the emergence and spread of epidemics such as the coronavirus pandemic, which calls for collective and joint efforts to confront them. Al-Kadhimi also stressed that the repercussions of the crisis in Ukraine require intensifying regional and international efforts to find quick solutions and unifying efforts to ensure food security and secure energy supplies. The Iraqi prime minister — during his speech at the Jeddah Security and Development Summit hosted by the Kingdom in Jeddah — suggested the establishment of the Middle East Bank for Development and Integration in partnership with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt and Jordan. He called for the bank to be concerned with sustainable regional development by financing infrastructure projects that would help connect the regional economies, and prioritizes the development of regional electricity networks, oil and gas pipelines, highway networks, ports, airports, and heavy industries with a large regional market. This is in addition to financing projects in water resource management, desertification, and climate change mitigation. “We