Diyar Al Muharraq announces its competition to design an architectural landmark for the entrance of the city

  • Date: 14-Sep-2022
  • Source: Bizbahrain
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Bahrain
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Diyar Al Muharraq announces its competition to design an architectural landmark for the entrance of the city

Diyar Al Muharraq, the leading real estate development company in the Kingdom of Bahrain, announced the launch of its Design Feature Competition. The window for submissions opened on the 13 of September, 2022 and closes Thursday, the27 of October 2022, wherein the competition calls on all creatives across Bahrain to design an architectural landmark for the entrance of Diyar Al Muharraq. Through this competition, Diyar Al Muharraq is aiming to encourage creativity and innovation by asking the candidates to develop a unique concept that seamlessly blends between traditional and contemporary architecture, embracing the vision behind the City’s Masterplan which is rooted in the history, culture, and traditions of the Kingdom of Bahrain, all while cementing itself as a future-ready and sustainable model city. The submitted designs are required to be comprehensive, including plan views, elevations, renders and sketches, in addition to a detailed proposal taking into consideration the reasonable technical, fiscal, and professional limitations. Those interested in partaking in this competition can visit Diyar Al Muharraq’s website where they will be able find a detailed project brief in addition to the portal where they can share their submissions. Submissions will be reviewed and shortlisted by Diyar Al Muharraq representatives, who