U.A.E. Has Over 20 Billion Dirhams of Infrastructure Projects Underway: Al Nuaimi

  • Date: 13-Jun-2020
  • Source: Bloomberg
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

U.A.E. Has Over 20 Billion Dirhams of Infrastructure Projects Underway: Al Nuaimi

if you speak to me a year from today I will tell you exactly the. Most projects and the whole universe where affected by the by. the effect is in the time and the duration and giving. But our project are going going going. do want to get to some of your future projections in terms of. the bigger strategy that you're chasing at the ministry.. projects are you considering that you would say you know what. moment is going through a very painful time.. housing scheme that we do in Iceland came out.. projects being put in service for our network .. Minister can I ask you just before we spoke to you we spoke. expatriate community that work on infrastructure and projects is. We've given the opportunity for expats to take a long. that the United Arab Emirates is it is it is a place where when. But I do think that comes from before six months or a year or. Get out of the projects in the whole universe.. we're going to get back on track in terms of the recovery.. time for the UAE and for the world to get back to a healthy. get back