Assembly takes decisions to push stalled mega projects

  • Date: 16-Nov-2022
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

Assembly takes decisions to push stalled mega projects

By B Izzak

KUWAIT: The National Assembly on Tuesday took a series of decisions to form committees and launch studies on ways to push forward stalled mega projects, including the North Economic Zone and the development of islands. The Assembly approved a proposal by head of the parliamentary committee for mega and entertainment projects and development of islands MP Khaled Al-Otaibi requesting forming a joint panel with the Assembly’s financial committee to study a bill calling to establish the North Economic Zone, which had been proposed many years ago.

The Assembly also approved a second proposal from MP Otaibi asking to assign the mega projects committee to assess the role of concerned government bodies towards key mega projects. The committee will also study the vision of the government and its measures toward implementing the islands’ development project, in addition to key entertainment projects. The main aim of the two proposals is to push for the implementation of major projects that require tens of billions of dinars in investments.

The Assembly also approved a proposal from a group of lawmakers calling on the parliamentary legal and legislative committee to give priority to studying and approving a draft law on conflicts of interest. Head of