India, GCC discuss bilateral ties, regional developments – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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India, GCC discuss bilateral ties, regional developments – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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NEW DELHI, March 20: India and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries on Monday agreed to deepen cooperation in several areas of mutual interest. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that Secretary from the External Affairs Ministry Ausaf Sayeed headed the Indian delegation in the first round of India-GCC Senior Officers Meeting held in Saudi city of Riyadh. The GCC delegation was led by Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Negotiations, GCC Abdulaziz Bin Hamad Al-Owaishaq.

Both sides agreed for early finalization of India-GCC Free Trade Agreement while conveying happiness over the progress in trade and investment. The Indian official appealed for more collaboration between the two countries in renewable energy, food security, health, IT sector and counter terrorism. “Both sides proposed formation of Joint Working Groups to cater to particular areas of cooperation between India and GCC countries.