KUNA : Destination Japan.. Land of allures kindling Kuwaitis’ travel curiosity – Culture & Art – 13/04/2023 – Kuwait News Agency

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KUNA : Destination Japan.. Land of allures kindling Kuwaitis’ travel curiosity – Culture & Art – 13/04/2023 – Kuwait News Agency

Feature by Ahmad Al-Hamily

KUWAIT, April 13 (KUNA) -- Whether it was the soothing pink hue of the Sakura (cherry blossom) trees in spring, the grandiose presence of Mount Fuji, or the hustle and bustle of major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, Japan had become a much-sought destination for tourists from across the globe including ones hailing from Kuwait.

In recent years, Kuwaitis have been fixated on getting answers to questions regarding travel to Japan.

Most of the questions revolved around the availability of halal food, the cost of hotels and flight tickets, finding ways to overcome the language barrier, and other related issues.

In interactions with staff from the Japanese embassy, a Kuwaiti social media Japan expert, and a traveler with several trips to Japan under his belt, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) would attempt to demystify Japan as a travel destination in hopes of clearing the picture and providing answers to most concerns.

Though Japanese pop culture -- anime (animation), manga (Japanese comic books), and J-POP (Japanese pop music) -- had played a role in shaping interest in Japan, traditional Japanese culture also offers deep fascinating experiences,