Kuwait affirms LDCs require still more aid

  • Date: 06-Mar-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Kuwait
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Kuwait affirms LDCs require still more aid

DOHA: The world’s least developed countries (LDCs) are still in need of more aid despite the progress they have made, Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah told a UN gathering aiming to shore up support for these nations on Sunday. While these countries have made a qualitative leap in terms of development, more needs to be done to ensure such growth remains steady and sustainable, the minister, in his role as HH the Amir’s representative, said in a speech during the fifth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries in the Qatari capital.

Kuwait will continue to give its “firm backing” for all measures taken to help underdeveloped countries to overcome mounting obstacles such as soaring debt and hunger, the minister underlined, saying such a measure can only succeed through more cooperation across the international community. The Kuwaiti minister urged the international community to work together in a bid to develop crucial sectors that run the gamut from food security to healthcare, in addition to efforts aiming to accelerate a global digital drive. According to official UN statistics, some 46 countries have been designated as least developed, while the four-day UN conference seeks to give impetus to development strategies in these