Pakistan envoy praises Kuwait’s vital global role

  • Date: 09-Sep-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Kuwait
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Pakistan envoy praises Kuwait’s vital global role

KUWAIT: Kuwait plays a vital role in bolstering peace, security, and development regionally and internationally, leading many countries, including Pakistan, to seek every opportunity to bolster relations, Pakistan’s envoy to Kuwait said on Saturday. In an interview with KUNA on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, Pakistan Ambassador to Kuwait Malik Muhammad Farooq commended the role of Kuwait in various fields, saying that the humanitarian role played by Kuwaitis had earned the respect of their global peers.

The people of Pakistan in particular are grateful for their Kuwaiti brethren’s stance and support during natural disasters and crises, he affirmed. Pakistan, in return, saw the opportunity to give back to the State of Kuwait during its darkest hours of the Iraqi invasion, assisting Kuwait to rid the country of landmines after the liberation in 1991, he added.

He pointed out that the Pakistani community in Kuwait had always been heavily involved in cooperating with their Kuwaiti brothers and sisters in the welfare and development of the country, revealing that the number of Pakistani citizens currently residing in the country amounted to around 100,000. Farooq also commended the strong relations within the health sector, noting that there were a considerable number of Pakistani medical