Seminar discusses progress on Kuwait development plan

  • Date: 01-Feb-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Kuwait
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Seminar discusses progress on Kuwait development plan

By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti Society for the Defense of Public Money, in cooperation with the Kuwaiti Economic Society, held a seminar titled “Future Legislation and the Development Plan 2035”. President of the Kuwait Association for the Defense of Public Funds Abdullah Al-Bakr was the moderator. The speakers discussed the New Kuwait 2035 vision, which was issued in 2010 and approved by the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, and the goals, visions and aspirations of the strategic plan to make Kuwait an economic, commercial and cultural center compatible with the past, heritage, customs and traditions of the Kuwaiti society.

Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Planning Khaled Mahdi spoke about the draft laws that resulted from this vision, according to the plan drawn up. However, poor implementation and mismanagement thwarted the work of this plan. “The main reason for this was not assigning issues and tasks to elements with competencies and experience,” he said.

Member of the Board of Directors of Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority Muhannad Al-Sane said what attracts foreign investors to any country is the existence of key elements, which include a serious governmental desire to adopt an economic identity, presence of a parliament capable of