French Envoys Visit Postponed as Lebanon Struggles with Presidential Vacuum and Central Bank Transition

  • Date: 29-Aug-2023
  • Source: Lebanon News – LBCI News
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Lebanon
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French Envoys Visit Postponed as Lebanon Struggles with Presidential Vacuum and Central Bank Transition

It has become clear that the weather's heat surpasses the heat of both local and international political movements to end the presidential vacuum, which is now postponed until after the end of the summer season.

This comes especially as the French envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has postponed his planned visit to Lebanon for two or three weeks to complete his contacts with the members of the Quint committee and listen to each of their viewpoints.

Sources closely following Le Drian's communications revealed to "Al-Anbaa" electronic newspaper that the French diplomat decided to meet with each member of the Quint committee separately to understand the essence of their efforts, aiming to assist in electing a president.

Le Drian had previously met with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan in Jeddah, discussing the solution to the Lebanese crisis, describing the meeting as very successful.

The sources confirmed that bin Farhan encouraged Le Drian to meet with the rest of the committee members to understand their vision for the solution.

This indicates a noticeable shift in France's stance, possibly abandoning its support for the head of the Marada Movement, Sleiman Frangieh, and seriously looking for another candidate who could bring all parties together.

France also threatens to impose sanctions