Get that warm, fuzzy feeling – in your home

  • Date: 09-Jan-2022
  • Source: Financial Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Get that warm, fuzzy feeling – in your home

The transition from summer to winter triggers a primeval response of nesting, cocooning and hibernation. Thoughts turn to simple pleasures: the crackle of an open fire or curling up under cashmere with a book. While the Scandinavians talk of hygge, the Japanese have ikigai, of doing something that brings pleasure or fulfilment. But whatever philosophy you subscribe to, the change in season is a cue to indulge at home.

Colour, texture and layers are important in creating a retreat. Look to the latest collections that marry sinuous form and ethereal lighting with a heavy dose of tactility. French architect and interior designer Charles Zana’s inaugural furniture collection officially launches this month: a fusion of oak and cedar with brass, suede and woven leather. Lamps, emitting a gentle glow, are forged from bronze and coloured glass, and fabrics weave tussah silk with wool and linen. “I have created furniture with fluid shapes, inspired by the free forms of nature,” he says of the collection, which includes around 60 new and updated pieces. “Luxury equates to generous dimensions that require space to breathe. I imagine furniture like nomadic pieces – I like it when their arrangement reflects the poetry of the place.” Likewise, the palette is muted and calming. “Sensuality