Lebanon is preparing for an international tender for Beirut Port reconstruction: report

  • Date: 27-Aug-2023
  • Source: Lebanon News – LBCI News
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Lebanon
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Lebanon is preparing for an international tender for Beirut Port reconstruction: report

The Beirut Port, which suffered massive damage due to the 2020 explosion, is still gradually recovering.About four months before the third anniversary of the disaster that shook the Lebanese capital, practical steps began to take shape to rebuild the sections that are still damaged through the agreement of the Caretaker Minister of Public Works and Transport, Ali Hamieh, with the World Bank to secure financing for consulting companies to prepare books of conditions for an international tender for outsourcing reconstruction process.Hamieh revealed, in a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat, that this understanding with the World Bank was completed about two weeks ago, provided that the books of conditions, after being prepared, are referred to the port's board of directors for approval, and then to the Public Procurement Authority before launching a global tender for reconstruction.He Pointed out that the port is currently operating with a large capacity, and its monthly revenues have increased from 400 thousand US dollars to 10 million US dollars, but "what we aspire and seek is to fully operate the port and make the optimal investment for every square meter in it."Hamieh explained that the enthusiasm expressed by some countries after the August 4 explosion in terms