Norms on parental leave from July 19

  • Date: 26-May-2024
  • Source: Oman Observer
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Oman
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Norms on parental leave from July 19

Law introducing 98 days of maternity leave and seven days of paternity leave will be effective from July as part of the social protection system and its executive regulations. From July 19, the Social Protection Fund (SPF) will implement maternity leave insurance for both Omani and non-Omani employees across the sectors in the Sultanate of Oman.The new law represents a significant shift towards a comprehensive and holistic approach to social protection across the life cycle. It ensures integration between social assistance and social insurance schemes to guarantee dignity and well-being for a decent standard of living and strengthens employment opportunities and active labour participation.The initiative is part of a strategic effort to enhance benefits within the SPF, aligning with Oman Vision 2040's goal of ensuring well-being and social protection to support a decent and sustainable life for all. This new legislation aims to create a more attractive and responsive labour market, characterised by flexibility, efficiency, and the capacity to manage challenges effectively. It prioritises national capabilities, enhances institutional performance, and improves administrative practices.The law considers the social aspects of the workforce to boost productivity and performance, particularly among women. Under the new provisions, women are entitled to 98 days of