Scope for improvement on Qatari development

  • Date: 28-Apr-2024
  • Source: Gulf Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:Qatar
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Scope for improvement on Qatari development

Signs of progress by Qatar towards strengthening and diversifying economic development have been recorded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a major report, “From HydroCarbon to Hightech: Mapping the Economic Transformation of Qatar.” In particular, it notes improvements to labour rights and mobility with the abolition of the Kafala system; significant investments in education and health, and the enhancement of investor rights. The report also cites enhanced access to finance, digitalization and environmental responsibility. Progress towards the goals of the National Strategy 2030 is tangible.Where the IMF sees need for improvement is in much of the detail of implementation and more progress is needed within some of the priority areas, with monitoring of outcomes. One example is education: levels of investment have increased, but the improvement in educational outcomes is not yet commensurate. Qatar spends nearly $14,000 per pupil, higher than the OECD average and significantly higher than the UAE or Saudi Arabia, but the scores on the PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) measure are lower than the OECD and broadly similar to other Gulf states.One caveat, however, is that the data for the report is five years old, so attainments may have improved since. A helpful reform