Al Moammar Information Systems Company (MIS) announces the awarding of a project with The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority with an amount of 63,504,895.20 Saudi riyals (including value-added tax)

Al Moammar Information Systems Company (MIS) announces the awarding of a project with The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority with an amount of 63,504,895.20 Saudi riyals (including value-added tax)

Element List



MIS announces the awarding of a project with The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority for Microsoft License Agreement Renewal 63,504,895.20 Saudi riyals (including value-added tax)

Date of Award

2023-10-29 Corresponding to 1445-04-14

Project Value

63,504,895.20 Saudi riyals (including value-added tax)

Project Details

Microsoft License Agreement Renewal for 3 years with Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority

Related Parties

not Applicable