Alshaya Group rolls out new campaign to attract local talent in Saudi Arabia

Alshaya Group rolls out new campaign to attract local talent in Saudi Arabia

Alshaya Group has launched a new recruitment initiative in cooperation with the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) in Saudi Arabia in order to attract and retain talented women and men to the retail sector.

This project comes as an affirmation of the company’s commitment to investing in the capabilities of Saudi youth and improving their careers, in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which aims to enable Saudis to possess the necessary knowledge to work in the private sector.

The project adopts a proposition establishing work in retail as a prestigious career, making the Alshaya Group an employer of choice in the Kingdom.

“‘Make your Moment’ represents the company’s commitment to nationalization, its values, and what it offers to new candidates. It celebrates employees and their daily achievements,” as per the statement.

With a consistent record of growth and innovation, Kuwait-based Alshaya Group is one of the world’s leading brand franchise operators, offering an unparalleled choice of well-loved international brands to customers.

Mr. Faisal Alshaya, General Manager of Alshaya Group in Saudi Arabia, said that, “We are very proud of our cooperation with the Human Resources Development Fund, which has attributed to the success of launching the project. Attracting, retaining, and empowering Saudi citizens and