‎Amiantit’s Tawzea awarded project by NWC worth SAR 199.5 mln

‎Amiantit’s Tawzea awarded project by NWC worth SAR 199.5 mln

Saudi Arabian Amiantit Co.’s 50%-owned subsidiary International Water Distribution Co. (Tawzea) was awarded, on Sept. 26, a project by the National Water Co. (NWC) to operate and maintain the water network in Makkah and its governorates, at a total value of SAR 199.48 million (excluding VAT).

The contract has a term of 60 months, with financial impact expected to materialize starting from Q1 2024, Amiantit said in a statement on Tadawul, indicating that there are no related parties in the deal.

Any future developments in this regard, the date of signing the contract, and receiving and signing the final version of the contract by all the parties concerned, will be disclosed in a timely manner, the statement added.