Chinese Geological Survey starts Arabian Shield mapping project in Saudi Arabia

Chinese Geological Survey starts Arabian Shield mapping project in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Geological Survey, in partnership with the Chinese Geological Survey, has launched a 777-million-Saudi-riyal ($207 million) geological mapping project for the Arabian Shield area.

The detailed geological mapping project aims to produce 271 geological reports and maps of the Arabian Shield at a scale of 1:100,000, allowing a better understanding of mineral deposits and exploring new reservoirs.

Chinese Consul in Jeddah, Wang Qimin, said the project is an extension of the longstanding joint projects in the mining sector between the Kingdom and China.

He added that the project aligns with the economic development plans of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Read more: Saudi Arabia discovers 3,000 industrial minerals in the Arabian shield

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(Writing by D Madhura; Editing by Anoop Menon)

([email protected])

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