Cityscape Global Saudi to debut in September

Cityscape Global Saudi to debut in September

Image courtesy: Supplied

Tell us more about Cityscape Global, which is set to take place from September 10-13 in Riyadh.

Cityscape Global provides a strategic platform for local and international real estate developers to share their projects with an audience of active and engaged investors and buyers.

Beyond bricks and mortar, the event is responsible for fostering partnerships and creating opportunities that drive investment and development in the region and across the globe through its exhibition, conference, and other content features that take place during the four-day event.

This year’s exhibition theme is the ‘Future of Living’. It will explore all the amazing technology, materials, designs and ideas taking us forward into the next generation of living. It’s incredibly exciting.

Which segments are you targeting with the Cityscape Global Saudi edition and what are the key highlights of the exhibition?

Cityscape Global has been created for both B2B and B2C audiences, with a focus on creating value for all stages of the property ecosystem. We’ve designed a comprehensive programme of conferences, summits and forums hosted over the four-day event to appeal to big name developers through to the first-time homebuyer, and everyone in between.

Our headlining conference: The Future of Living Summit, focuses on