Delivering logistics worthy of Saudi Arabia’s gigaprojects

Delivering logistics worthy of Saudi Arabia’s gigaprojects

The regional logistics industry is rising to the challenge of the kingdom's Vision 2030, according to CEVA Logistics

Logistics sits at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 programme. It is both an enabler of Vision 2030 – the world’s most ambitious industrial policy – and an engine of the kingdom’s wider economic growth.Logistics matters in two ways. Firstly, the slew of gigaprojects being built across the kingdom require a robust, reliable supply chain to ensure timely delivery of vast quantities of construction materials.Secondly, developing world-class logistics infrastructure is an important part of Vision 2030 in its own right. The kingdom aims to leverage its prime location on the Asia-Europe shipping route to become a global trade hub and a central distribution point for the GCC.The kingdom’s location is not its only natural advantage. Saudi’s twin coastlines give it extensive access to the sea and provide choices and flexibility for its maritime logistics. This flexibility has proved vital this year as tensions in the Red Sea impact the flow of shipping along the west coast.Supporting the ecosystemThe Saudi government and the country’s fast-growing logistics sector are now working together to capitalise on the kingdom’s natural gifts of geography.First, there is financial support.