Dutch regulatory bodies praise development in Saudi Arabia’s health sector

Dutch regulatory bodies praise development in Saudi Arabia’s health sector

RIYADH — Dutch regulatory and scientific bodies praised the experience of Saudi Arabia to efficiently and effectively contain the outbreak of the coronavirus. They also lauded the development of the health sector, particularly in the field of vigilance and drug safety, monitoring the safety of medicines, evaluating pharmaceutical, biological and veterinary products, monitoring food products, devices and medical products and assessing their risks. These praises came during the official visit of the delegation of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) to the Kingdom of the Netherlands recently. During the visit, several meetings were held with leading scientific and regulatory bodies to discuss possible cooperation opportunities and exchange distinguished international experiences and relevant expertise. Through this visit, the SFDA aimed to review the success stories of the Kingdom and the Authority, especially in the fields of food, medicine, devices, medical products, cosmetics, pesticides and feed. It also aims to review the distinguished international experiences in the field of biotechnology, and to discuss ways of cooperation in the developmental and regulatory fields to enhance local capabilities and provide the necessary capabilities to contribute to the development of the national biotechnology system. This visit targets achieving strategic goals in this vital sector