New bylaw allows Saudis to rent out housing units to tourists – Saudi Gazette

New bylaw allows Saudis to rent out housing units to tourists – Saudi Gazette

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — Minister of Tourism Ahmed Al-Khateeb approved the new bylaw of private tourism hospitality, which allows Saudi citizens to rent out their residential units to tourists for a fee.

The bylaw specified the following regulations for issuing the permit in this regard. According to the regulations, a private tourist hospitality facility shall be part of a property designated either for residential or for agricultural use, and the total number of permits issued to a person in one property shall not exceed three.

The minister or whoever he delegates may, by his decision and for considerations deemed by the ministry, suspend the issuance of permits for a specified period in any geographical area.

The bylaw also stipulates a number of conditions to be met while applying for the permit. Only Saudi citizens can apply. The conditions also include the submission of an electronic title deed or an electronic lease contract that proves the right of ownership or use of the property pertaining to the permit; and updated official data of the applicant and the private tourism hospitality facility. As per the bylaw, the applicant must fill out an application form.

The bylaw stressed that the applicant shall comply with the terms and