Quba Mosque expansion: 200 properties to be expropriated – Saudi Gazette

Quba Mosque expansion: 200 properties to be expropriated – Saudi Gazette

Saudi Gazette report

MADINAH — The Madinah Region Development Authority (MRDA) has announced the plan for implementing the first phase of the King Salman Project for the Quba Mosque Expansion.

With the new expansion that includes developing the mosque's surroundings, the total area of the mosque will be increased by 10 times with a capacity to accommodate 66,000 worshipers. More than 200 real estate properties will be expropriated for the first phase of the expansion project.

The authority urged owners of real estate located within the project site to vacate their properties and contact the property department at the authority to finalize the procedures for compensation.

The first phase of the mosque expansion included expropriation of more than 200 real estate properties, while the authority is working within the plan to preserve and increase the number of palm trees and farms in order to integrate them with the mosque complex, in addition to preserving historical sites and linking them with the mosque.

The MRDA gave a month for the owners of properties that are marked for expropriation before disconnecting water, electricity and other utility services in the beginning of Rajab, prior to their demolition.

The King Salman Project for the Quba Mosque Expansion covers a number