Riyadh, Beijing Seek to Increase Cooperation in Housing, Mining and Industry Projects

Riyadh, Beijing Seek to Increase Cooperation in Housing, Mining and Industry Projects

Saudi Arabia and China are seeking to form a joint working group on cooperation in the field of housing, within the mechanism of the Trade and Investment Subcommittee, to enhance exchanges at the governmental level, and coordinate policies and planning.

Areas of cooperation include the exchange of development plans, policies, measures, administrative expertise and successful practices in the field of urban development and housing construction, in addition to the implementation of specific housing projects in China or the Kingdom, or jointly in a third country.

Other fields of cooperation will cover design, construction, site management, health, safety and environment, in addition to building materials and energy-saving constructions.

The two sides are seeking to exchange expertise in modern construction technologies, green buildings, information and data technologies in the construction sector and smart cities, as well as the training of engineers and technicians in housing, building and construction research.

Riyadh and Beijing also intend to increase cooperation in the exploration and mining for gold and copper.

In this context, Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar Al-Khorayef pointed to the growing strategic partnership between the two countries in the fields of industry and mining.

The minister revealed plans to strengthen relations in industry and mining, within the