Saudi Arabia and Thailand sign landmark agreements on energy

Saudi Arabia and Thailand sign landmark agreements on energy

BANGKOK: Saudi Arabia and Thailand on Friday signed landmark agreements on energy cooperation and renewable power during Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to Bangkok. The crown prince is a special guest of the Thai government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders’ meeting in the city. The main agreement on energy cooperation was signed at a meeting between Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and Thai Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow. “It will be a framework to seek energy cooperation that will be beneficial to Thailand and Saudi Arabia in different dimensions such as petrochemical cooperation, hydrogen fuel, carbon capture and storage, circular economy development, and low carbon technology, promoting energy innovation, exchanging useful information and experience regarding energy,” Punmeechaow said. Representatives of ACWA Power, who are part of the Saudi delegation in Bangkok, also signed a deal on renewable power development with Thailand’s state-owned oil and gas company PTT and the state-owned power supplier Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. The agreement to develop a green hydrogen/ammonia project in Thailand would “expand cooperation in the energy sector,” Punmeechaow said. “Its objective is to push forward and develop hydrogen fuel in Thailand.” A third agreement was signed by the Saudi Ministry