Saudi company eyes 77% stake in Shell Pakistan

Saudi company eyes 77% stake in Shell Pakistan

NEOM partners with Dive Butler International to enhance aquatic experience in Sindalah

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s $500 billion giga-project NEOM has partnered with UK-based Dive Butler International to enhance the aquatic and diving experience at luxury island Sindalah. 

In a press statement, NEOM noted that the partnership will provide visitors with a deluxe experience both above and below the waters of the Red Sea. 

Under the agreement, Dive Butler will operate a five-star Professional Association of Diving Instructors dive center in Sindalah, providing a wide range of aquatic activities for visitors. 

Moreover, the firm will also operate electric and hybrid vessels that exclusively use environmentally friendly moorings. 

“We are proud to collaborate with Dive Butler International to provide our visitors with the opportunity to explore the marvels of Sindalah’s waters and facilitate unique experiences across a multitude of marine activities,” said Antoni Vives, NEOM’s chief urban development and islands officer. 

He added: “Sindalah, located in the north of Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coastline, will offer the world a new destination for sustainable and cutting-edge underwater exploration activities all year round.” 

Alexis Vincent, founder of Dive Butler International, said that the company’s partnership with NEOM will offer a one-of-a-kind marine experience to visitors. 

“All Sindalah guests will have access to