Saudi Infrastructure Expo to debut next month

Saudi Infrastructure Expo to debut next month

Saudi Infrastructure Expo (SIE), a new trade exhibition, will debut in Riyadh next month to unlock opportunities in the kingdom's $300 billion infrastructure projects plan.

Organised by dmg events, SIE will be held at the Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center from September 6 to 8.

The exhibition, which features a co-located Saudi Infrastructure Summit, will focus on transport, utilities, and urban technology.

“We have developed this event leveraging the expertise of our highly successful Big 5 construction exhibitions portfolio to deliver an unrivalled international platform where the infrastructure industry can come together to see and learn about burgeoning industry verticals such as urban planning and technology, transportation systems, communication networks, and utilities associated with developing a 21st Century building and construction sector,” commented Muhammed Kazi, VP Construction, dmg events.

“The Saudi Arabian government is investing in multiple giga projects, such as the recently announced The Line in NEOM, which will create boundless business opportunities for local, regional, and international suppliers as well as architects, planners, developers, contractorsin the wider construction eco-system.

“With the Kingdom now accounting for the lion’s share of construction projects in the GCC – at 63 per cent - and with mega projects such as Amaala Red Sea luxury tourism project,