Saudi Real Estate Co. Announces Contract Sign off with First Nile construction Company for Execution of Excavation works and hoarding for AI Yamamah Residential compound in Riyadh

Saudi Real Estate Co. Announces Contract Sign off with First Nile construction Company for Execution of Excavation works and hoarding for AI Yamamah Residential compound in Riyadh

|Element List||Explanation|

|Introduction||Saudi Real Estate Co. Announce Contract Sign off with First Nile construction Company for Execution of Excavation works and hoarding for AI Yamamah Residential compound in Riyadh. It should be noted that Al Yamamah Project is one of the projects that mentioned on the prospectus for the rights Issue of the Saudi Real Estate Company, which is financing from the offer proceeds.|

|Date of Announcement of the Award||2022-10-10 Corresponding to 1444-03-14|

|Contract Subject Matter||Excavation work and hoarding for the project land|

|Date of Signing the Contract||2022-10-10 Corresponding to 1444-03-14|

|Contract Value||3,786,516 SR|

|Contract Details||Execution of Excavation Work, hoarding, and site preparation for Al Yamamah Residential Compound Project DQ-Riyadh.|

|Contract Duration||4 months|

|Financial Impact and the Relevant Period||Cost to be capitalized as part of project cost.|

|Related Parties||none|