Saudi: Red Sea Global achieves key safety milestone at Desert Rock site

Saudi: Red Sea Global achieves key safety milestone at Desert Rock site

Red Sea Global, the developer behind the world's most ambitious regenerative tourism project in Saudi Arabia - Amaala and The Red Sea - has achieved a major construction milestone by clocking one million safe working hours, with no time-consuming incidents, while working on the first phase of the Desert Rock mountain resort, in the kingdom.

The company said this was mainly due to the efforts of the health and safety department team.

A unique mountain resort being built into the rockface, Desert Rock boasts stunning vistas and stargazing opportunities on the west coast.

With this new project, Red Sea Global is taking the virtual reality concept a step further carving a luxury hotel into a rock mountain for its future guests to literally immerse themselves in, said a statement from the company.

The unique rock formations included in the resort architecture were produced by a series of cataclysmic seismic events thousands of years ago, and so the architecture has been designed to keep this natural beauty while also reducing energy consumption, supercharging the ecosystem, and regenerating native flora.

The Saudi developer attributed this achievement to its strict adherence to the highest standards of health and safety since it announced its sustainable destinations.

"This is mainly due