Sisi, Biden meet on sidelines of Jeddah Security and Development Summit – Egypt Today

Sisi, Biden meet on sidelines of Jeddah Security and Development Summit – Egypt Today

CAIRO – 16 July 2022: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met on Saturday with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, ahead of the Jeddah Security and Development Summit. Details about the meeting are expected to be disclosed shortly. The presidents held two phone calls over the past year against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian tensions and the Egypt-brokered ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian factions in the Gaza enclave. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received on Saturday President Sisi upon landing at the Jeddah airport to attend the Jeddah Summit. The summit is taking place on Saturday, 16 July, between leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the United States. Egyptian Presidency’s Spokesman Bassam Rady said Sisi’s participation in the Jeddah Summit comes within the framework of Egypt's keenness to develop partnership between the Arab countries and the US in a way that meets the aspirations and interests of current and future generations of the peoples of the region. The president’s visit also comes within the framework of enhancing joint efforts to confront regional and global challenges as well as consultation and coordination on efforts to maintain regional and international security and stability. It also seeks