Growing popularity of luxury car rentals in Dubai

  • Date: 07-Sep-2022
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Growing popularity of luxury car rentals in Dubai

Find out why tourists prefer to drive exotic cars in Dubai and how the industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing in the emirates

Booming demand

Published: Wed 7 Sep 2022, 11:49 AM

There has been a radical shift in Dubai’s economy over the last few years. The city, which was once heavily dependent on oil and gas, has shifted its attention to business and tourism. A wide number of sectors have benefited from this change. The car leasing and rental industry is one of the biggest examples of this.

With a combined share of around 80 per cent, Dubai and Abu Dhabi actually take the top spot among the emirates with the highest number of rental fleets.

Visitors and business expatriates who visit the city choose car rentals in Dubai over public transport like buses and taxis due to high costs of cab fares as well as high yearly costs of registration and car insurance.

Everyone can now experience the thrill of driving a recreational car without purchasing it. This is possible thanks to marketplaces such as that lists a wide-selection of cars from local car rental suppliers as well as flexible rental terms, spanning a day to a month, so users