UAE property owners will find their assets a good hedge against inflation

  • Date: 04-Sep-2022
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Real Estate
  • Country:UAE
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UAE property owners will find their assets a good hedge against inflation

A strong post-pandemic market recovery led to a buying surge in recent times, with customers acquiring everything from new homes to cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Even though economies are coming back, inflation has reached 10-year highs due to this buying frenzy. The mere thought of having to pay significantly more for everyday essentials can be scary. But the question is, why are prices suddenly going through the roof? If we could put it simply, we would say that there’s more money chasing fewer products. As with everything during the previous two-and-a-half years, the pandemic is, in one way or another, linked to this latest inflation spike. More specifically, our super-fast return to normal life is at the heart of it. Restaurants, shopping malls, and other public places are open for extended periods, just like old times. People are travelling frequently, while work commute is picking up too, even if hybrid and remote employment are options. In addition, the price hike has not stopped financially stronger groups from splashing the cash whenever they want to. While it is great to see economies around the world recovering from the ravages of COVID-19, there is a potential fallout. People had been saving more since