Bahrain: Shoppers warned to verify online companies before providing bank details

  • Date: 11-Dec-2022
  • Source: Gulf Insider
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

Bahrain: Shoppers warned to verify online companies before providing bank details

Cyber security experts have warned shoppers to be cautious against online fraud amid the growing popularity of virtual purchasing.

These days virtual shopping has become a part of people’s lives, but some still worry about their credit card details ending up in the wrong hands.

An information technology expert, who likes not to disclose his identity, told The Daily Tribune, “Shopping online may be better for many reasons.”

“You don’t have to go out to find what you want, and you can avoid traffic, compare prices easily and get better discounts.

However, all this comes with risks. “We are familiar with phishing emails and the dangers of transacting on unsecured sites and using public computers or shared Wi-Fi connections.

People save bank details, financial statements, salary records and passwords in primary mail accounts.

So, it is risky to use these accounts for shopping. “Cash on delivery and net banking are the safest ways to transact online.

“If these options are not present, better go for a virtual credit card. It is an add-on ‘card’ issued on your primary credit card. All relevant details are available only online. It will be valid for a few months, and you can set a credit limit of your choice.”

Mohammad Aziz, a