Petrol retailers hope for easing of crisis – as motorists still face big queues

  • Date: 27-Sep-2021
  • Source: SkyNews
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Petrol retailers hope for easing of crisis – as motorists still face big queues

Petrol retailers hoping for a return to normal after motorists drained pumps over the weekend have faced yet more forecourt queues - as parts of the economy started to feel the strain.

In some areas, up to 90% of pumps ran dry, according to industry estimates - and there was little sign of the panic-buying diminishing on Monday, with consumers apparently ignoring pleas to stop.

That left industries from taxi drivers to the meat processing sector - and even non-league football - facing difficulties and prompted calls for healthcare workers to be given priority access to fuel.