The Road To Retail Recovery: Menswear

  • Date: 19-Mar-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Jordan
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The Road To Retail Recovery: Menswear

Businessman in black suit on black background, black and white Since vaccine distribution began in the U. S. on December 14, more than 116 million doses have been administered, reaching over 22% of the total U. S. population, according to the CDC Covid Data Tracker. The U. S. is currently administering over 2. 3 million shots a day. By May 1, the Biden administration said every American adult would be eligible for the vaccination. Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America, said on Bloomberg this week: Credit card charges are back and growing over the pre-pandemic shutdown. Boomers and seniors are getting vaccinated, credit card sales are up, and travel statistics are also up from the TSA report. Groceries sales are down a bit; that's an implication that people are getting out and spending after the vaccination. Combined with the newly signed robust stimulus and unemployment benefits package, the drop in unemployment rate to 6. 2%, and warmer weather, these are all positive signs pointing towards the road to our economic recovery. Consumers are ready to get back to the next normal, and we should be poised to see retail sales pick up again. During covid, while we might put