Social networks increasingly effecting consumer behaviors

  • Date: 27-Jul-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

Social networks increasingly effecting consumer behaviors

By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: Recently, a well-known coffeehouse in Kuwait launched a new menu item for summer, creating a social media advertising campaign about it, specifically on TikTok, one of the most popular platforms in Kuwait. This advertising campaign succeeded to the point that the coffeeshop set aside the item’s ingredients to cover demand for a month, but they ran out in only four days at all of their branches, a manager told Kuwait Times. This proves the power of social media in affecting people’s behaviors, including purchasing decisions, changing their daily routine or lifestyle, or even getting a new perspective of their lives.

Kuwait Times asked people about their point of view of the power of social media on their lives, and what are the things social media made them change, for better or worse. Lubna Hayek, 35, said she used to read books whenever she had the time, but after a while, she noticed herself spending more time taking pictures of what she was reading and creating videos about her books to show off. “I realized that when I was searching for book reviews on Instagram, the platform’s algorithm subconsciously urged me to focus on creating videos and taking pictures