17 Lent-Friendly Restaurants In Lebanon To Satisfy Your Cravings While Honoring Tradition

  • Date: 26-Feb-2023
  • Source: The961
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

17 Lent-Friendly Restaurants In Lebanon To Satisfy Your Cravings While Honoring Tradition

Christians around the world observe a period of spiritual reflection and preparation before Easter called Lent. This observance commemorates Jesus Christ’s 40 days in the desert.

During this time, many people choose to abstain from meat and sometimes dairy.

Lebanese Christians, in particular, continue to honor and persist in this tradition for almost 2,000 years.

To help satisfy your cravings while honoring this tradition, we have compiled a list of Lent-friendly restaurants that offer both dine-in and delivery services.

Check out the following restaurants that are contributing to the Lent season:


Nutriu is a plant-based eatery that offers a weekly changing international vegan menu.

Whether you’re looking for diverse flavors or healthy alternatives to meat and dairy, Nutriu has you covered. Their menu boasts a variety of vegan dishes that are sure to satisfy your cravings.

Some of their most popular options include the vegan shawarma wrap, lentil meatball dish, and creamy pasta.

Located in Furn el Chebbak. For more info: 01293122

The Barn

At The Barn, you can enjoy a range of organic dishes made with the most beneficial ingredients.

Their menu features a mix of both plant-based and meat-based options. You won’t want to miss their refreshing cereal bowls and toastees, which offer playful flavors that are sure to