More misery awaits Lebanon after exodus of its most educated citizens

  • Date: 07-Mar-2022
  • Source: Ya Libnan
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

More misery awaits Lebanon after exodus of its most educated citizens

Lana Noura is only 18 and a first-year computer science student at the prestigious American University in Beirut. But like many of her classmates, she already knows she wants to leave Lebanon once she has finished her course. “I will leave for work and hopefully take my parents with me,” she said. “Anywhere would be fine, but I would prefer somewhere in the Middle East. It’s for a good life. Here it’s not stable and you never know what will happen next.”

Jad Masry, a fifth-year medical student, also plans to leave, either for Germany or America. “It will be a better income, better education and better lifestyle,” he said. “The politicians in Lebanon cannot bring us a good future because they are corrupt.”